Debt Relief Lawyers
Free Initial Evaluation 888.301.0584

Welcome to the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC Blog!

Financial Information from our New York Debt Relief Attorney

Thank you for visiting our new blog! At the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg, PLLC, we have dedicated our years of experience to aggressively protecting the rights of consumers throughout New York. Our legal team has handled cases involving bankruptcy, debt settlement, debt relief, and consumer rights protection. With an extensive background in legal representation and credit law, we are in a unique position to defend you from aggressive creditors and collection agencies so that you can get back on track with minimal conflict!

If you or a loved one are suffering from the burden of credit card debt or student loan debt and you are trying to find a solution to your dilemma, you have come to the right place! We provide effective legal guidance on a wide range of credit issues that allows clients to obtain satisfactory settlements and resolutions. When you are facing serious credit complications or are wary of abusive credit collection agencies, you can trust that the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg, PLLC can offer personalized and attentive legal services that can cater to your specific needs.

We will be using our blog to share online resources that can help you better understand your current financial situation. From current events or legislative acts that could pertain to your case, our hope is to create a comprehensive source of information for financial help. Blog updates will be following shortly, but in the meantime, feel free to browse through our website to learn more about how our firm can be of assistance to you during this time. Contact a New York debt relief lawyer from the firm to schedule your free case evaluation today!
