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Attorney Simon Goldenberg Teaches Secrets To Credit Repair

Debt Collection DefenseNew York, New York: On May 23rd, 2017, Simon Goldenberg, Esq. presented Credit Repair: A Primer for Lawyers, a Continuing Legal Education program with Lawline. Broadcast live online and recorded at Lawline’s Studio in lower Manhattan, the program offered viewers strategies on correcting credit reporting issues.

Credit Repair: A Primer for Lawyers is now available for on-demand viewing at

The course objectives include:

  1. Identifying the various credit bureaus.
  2. Obtaining and analyzing a consumer credit report.
  3. Understanding the FICO credit scoring algorithm.
  4. Discussion of time-limits for reporting negative credit information.
  5. Strategies on dispute methods including disputing by phone, online, or by mail.
  6. Remediating the effects of identity theft
  7. Discussion of pertinent statutes including the:

Feedback From Our Viewers

  • "Clearly, the presenter was on top of his subject and had a passion for it."
  • "One of the best CLE's I've taken-- lots of information, great presentation skills by Mr. Goldenberg."
  • "Excellent, clear & concise presentation and materials on "credit correction"."

Visit Simon Goldenberg's Lawline faculty page to learn more about his CLE presentations.

New York City Credit Repair Lawyers

Do you know someone that needs help fixing bad credit? Our legal team is dedicated to helping consumers rectify their debts and correct credit reporting errors. We've helped many people resolve their credit issues with the bureaus of Transunion, Experian, and Equifax. Contact the New York Credit Lawyers at the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC to learn how we can help. Call Today: (877) 717-0098.
