Student loan borrowers are defaulting at staggering rates. Borrowers are inundated with tv, radio, and internet ads promising debt forgiveness and payment reductions. It can be hard to know where to turn for reliable advice.
On February 6th, 2018, attorneys at the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC presented a continuing legal education program with Lawline. Broadcast live online and recorded at Lawline’s Studio in lower Manhattan, the program intends on educating attorneys on the variations and nuances of federal student loan debt resolution.
It’s time to join the crusade to help distressed borrowers! Resolving Defaulted Federal Student Loans is now available for on-demand viewing at
Course Overview - Student Loan Debt Resolution
Simon Goldenberg, Esq. presents:
- How to identify federal student loans versus private loans and tuition debts.
Rights of recourse
Higher Education Act
- Statute of Limitations
- Bankruptcy / Brunner Test
Jared Louzon, Esq. presents:
- Administrative Wage Garnishments (AWG)
Loans Forgiveness & Cancellation
- Disability Discharge (Total & Permanent Disability/TPD)
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
- Teacher Forgiveness
- School Closure
- Student Loan Relief Scams
Stephen Basedow, Esq. presents:
- Release of Transcripts
- Federal Loan Consolidation
Loan Rehabilitation
- One Time Deal
- Financial Disclosure Form
- Settling Federal Student Loans
Overview Payment Plans
- Income-Driven Repayment Options
Student Loan Lawyers in New York & New Jersey
At the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC, we are dedicated to consumer protection and are vigilant in assisting our client's find the best solution to their particular situation. Our lawyers are experienced with handling the gamut of issues that can arise when dealing with student loan debts. If you are an attorney, we encourage you to view our CLE to learn more about this area of debt relief.
If you are overwhelmed with student loan debt, call us at 877-717-0098 to learn how we can help.