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How can I legally change my name?

A person can have their name changed for nearly any reason, assuming there is no intent of committing fraud or other illegal act. People change their name for various reasons, spanning from marriage and divorce, to religious reasons, gender changes, or simply because they want a new name.

Regardless of your personal impetus to obtain a legal name change in New York City, the process will generally include:

  1. Choosing your new name.
  2. Completing a petition for name change.
  3. Filing it in the respective court and paying the requisite fee.
  4. Attend your name change hearing (if one is required).
  5. Publish your name change pursuant to the applicable laws.

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Do I need a lawyer to get a name change?

When tasked with such a significant objective, many people find it helpful to have an attorney represent them through the name change process. One's name has tremedous bearing on their identity. Although there is no mandate to hire a lawyer to get a name change, it is oftentimes well worth the fee to have some peace of mind that an experienced professional is helping you through the process and ensuring that everything moves forward accordingly. You'll want the job done the right way, the first time around, so that there are no uneccessary delays.

A name change lawyer can help you identify a new name that is legal, and prepare your petition correctly, file it with the requisite court, appear with you at your hearing, and ensure that your new name is published in accordance with the court's requirements.

Our legal team and affiliated attorneys understand the sensitive and oftentimes complex reasoning behind obtaining a name change. We understand how important it can be to have the process completed expeditiously. Allow us to guide you through the process and maximize the likelihood that your name change petition will be successful.

Contact the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC to speak to our New York City Name Change Lawyers today! - (888) 301-0584

Serving all areas of NYC: Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island and Manhattan
