Student Loan Lawyer in New Jersey
Identify The Best Attorney Possible For Your Situation
Finding a lawyer is easy. Finding the right lawyer takes diligence. Don't just settle the for first person that crosses your path. Not all attorneys offer the same level of service. At the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC, we take extra care to make sure that our client's receive the individualized attention they require. Learn how our law firm is different then your "run of the mill" high-volume operation. You deserve to be treated with utmost courtesy and respect when engaging with legal counsel.
What's your situation?
People come to us needing help in many different circumstances:
- Are you about to fall behind on payments and are looking to avoid default?
- Did you already default and your loan has been assigned to a collection agency?
- Have you been sued for student loan debt in NJ?
- Are you seeking options to stop the endless cycle of student loan debt?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, read onward to learn how our legal team can help. Borrowers have extensive legal rights under state and federal laws. Defenses to your debt may exist, and you may be able to settle your debt for less then what you owe.
How Do We Help Resolve Defaulted Student Loans?
- We start every file with a comprehensive evaluation determine the type of loan, it's status, the lender, collector, and other pertinent information. We also learn about the client's expectations so we can work towards achieving their particular goals.
- Depending on the type of loan, we will proceed to conduct due diligence to determine the possible resolution options, such as loan rehabilitation, consolidation, debt settlement, lawsuit defense, or even payment plans.
- If the borrower has been served with a lawsuit, we will draft an answer that will address the allegations and include affirmative defenses that will raise the burden of proof for the plaintiff. The answer would be served upon the lender's debt collection attorneys as well as the court in the appropriate New Jersey vicinage.
- If the account is in pre-litigation status and a settlement is sought, we will interview the borrower to determine their hardship information and financial criteria so we can engage in fruitfull negotiations with the student loan collectors.
Student Loan Resolution Fees
We understand that our client's are facing financial distress and are oftentimes constrained by limited funds. We are sensitive to our client's needs and try to make accommodations where possible.
For matters in pre-litigation status, and for matter pertaining to violations of consumer laws, we offer assistance on a full-contingency basis. For lawsuits and matters in post-litigation status, we frequently offer hybrid retainers where an affordable fee is required to commence representation, and a contingency fee is due upon achieving a settlement reduction that is acceptable to the client. By offering representation that is at least partially contingency based, our client's understand that we are incentivized to obtain the absolute best results that we could achieve under the client's particular circumstances.
Free Student Loan Debt Evaluation
The best way to determine how we can help is to have an evaluation with our debt relief attorneys. Our New Jersey Student Loan Lawyer can help you understand your options and guide you towards a succesful resolution to your defaulted loan debt. With excellent ratings from Avvo, SuperLawyers, and the Better Business Bureau, you can trust that you'll be in good hands with our legal team. We are passionate about helping people find the best solution to their student loan obligations.
Need student loan help? Call for a free phone evaluation! (888) 301-0584.